Vrcholák myrobalánový
Terminalia belerica (Gaertn.) Roxb.
Terminalia bellirica var. laurinoides (Teijsm. &Binn.) C.B. Clarke, Myrobalanus laurinoides (Teijsm. &Binn.) Kuntze.
English :Beleric Myrobalan, Hindi :Bahera, Sanskrit :Vibhita, Aksa, Aksaka, Urdu :Bahera, Punjabi :Bahera, Assamese :Bhomora, Bhomra, Bhaira, Bengali :Bayada, Baheda, Gujrati: Bahedan, Kannada : Tare kai, Shanti Kayi, Kashmiri :Babelo, Balali, Malayalam : Tannikka, Marathi :Baheda, Oriya :Baheda, Tamil :Thanrikkai, Telugu :Thanikkaya.
Baheda is a large deciduous tree up to 30 meters height, commonly found in plains and lower hills in Southeast Asia, In India, it is found in abundance in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Maharashtra. The tree takes a height of. Baheda consists of pericarp of dried fruits ripen towards November. Fruit is nearly spherical to ovoid, 2.5-4.0 cm in diameter, fresh ripe fruits slightly silvery or with whitish shiny pubescent surface, mature fruits grey or grayish brown with lightly wrinkled appearance, rind of fruit shows variation in thickness from 3-5 mm, taste, astringent.
The main chemical constituents are Gallic acid, tannic acid and glycosides. t contains sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, chebulagic acid, galloyl glucose, fatty acid, protein, oxalic acid, tannin, palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, galactose, glucose and ethyl gallate.
Rasa : Kasaya, Guna : Laghu, Ruksa, Vipaka : Madhura, Virya : Usna, Karma : Caksusya, Kesya, Kaphapittajit, Bhedaka, Krminasana, Kasahara.
Chardi, Kasa, Krmiroga, Vibandha, Svarabheda, Netraroga.
It is used in skin diseases, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, flatulence, thirst, piles , worms, hoarseness of voice, premature graying of hair, boost hair growth, throat, wounds to arrest the bleeding and burning sensation. It is also applied on eyelids, in case of conjunctivitis, eye ailments, such as myopia, corneal opacity, pterigium, immature cataract, chronic and acute infective conditions. Baheda plant alleviates cough, cold, asthma, relieves blocked phlegm, controls bleeding in the sputum and eases bronchospasms. It prevents ageing, imparts longevity, boosts immunity, improves mental faculties and enhances the body resistance against diseases. It helps in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. It is a rejuvenative and laxative.