Centella Asiatica

Pupečnik asiský

Botanical Name

Centella asiatica




Hydrocotyle asiatica L.; Centella asiatica var. asiatica, Centella asiatica var. crista Makino, Centella boninensis Nakai ex Tuyama, Centella glochidiata (Benth.) Drude, Centella tussilaginifolia (Baker) Domin, Centella ulugurensis (Engl.) Domin.,Centella asiatica var.floridana (J.M.Coult. & Rose).

Regional Name

English : Indian Pennywort, Hindi : Brahma Manduki, Sanskrit : Manduki, Darduracchada, Urdu : Brahmi, Punjabi : Brahmi, Assamese : Manimuni, Bengali : Jholkhuri, Thalkuri, Thankuni, Gujrati : Khodabrahmi, Khadbhrammi, Kannada : Ondelaga, Brahmi soppu, Malayalam : Kodangal, Marathi : Karivana, Tamil : Vallarai, Telugu : Saraswati Aku, Vauari.

Part Used

Whole Plant.


Mandukaparni is a prostrate, faintly aromatic, stoloniferous perennial herb. It is distributed in the temperate to tropical regions of both hemispheres. It is globally distributed in the Pantropics. Within India, it is commonly found as a weed in crop fields and other waste places throughout up to an altitude of 600 m. It is generally found near reservoirs and streams of water. It spreads on the ground on moist soil, especially along bunds and canals. It is small creeping herb with slender stem, rooting at nodes giving rise to thin, brownish-grey, roots of about 2.5 to 6.0 cm in length; leaves 1 to 3 from each node, orbicular-reniform, crenate, base cordate, petioles channelled with adnate stipules; flowers fascicled umbels each carrying 3 or 4 flowers, short stalked; fruits cremocarp, ovoid, with laterally compressed seeds.


The main chemical constituents is Glycosides (triterpenoid glycosides). The triterpenoid glycosides contains asiatoside, asiaticoside, asiaticin, Asiatic acid, madecassic acid, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahmic acid, brahminoside, oxyasiaticosie, thankuniside, isothankuniside, centelloside, madasiatic acid, centic acid, centellin, centellicin, centelloside, cenellic acid, betulinic acid, indocentic acid. It also contains phytosterols and volatile oil (vallerin, camphor, cineole).

Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa : Madhura, Katu, Tikta, Kasaya, Guna : Laghu, Sara, Vipaka : Madhura,, Virya : Sita, Karma : Balya, Dipana, Hrdya, Kaphapittahara, Medhya, Varnya, Visaghna, Svarya, Rasayana, Ayusya, Smrtiprada.

Ayurvedic Applications

Sotha, Aruci, Jvara, Kasa, Kandu, Kustha, Pra Raktapitta, Meha, Svasa, Pandu, Raktadosa.

Medicinal Uses

Mandukaparni is used to treat cough, asthma, tuberculosis, consumption, diseases of voice, insanity, as intellect promoting, rejuvinative, boils, chronic coryza, and jaundice. It is destroys diseases and promoters of strength, digestive power, complexion and voice. It is useful in the treatment of inflammations, diarrhoea, various skin lesions and ailments like leprosy, lupus, psoriasis and keloid.
